Telehealth FAQ

Home / Telehealth FAQ

Our aim is to ensure you feel fully informed and confident about the care you receive at Mediq. Browse through the sections below to find the information you need, and if you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us directly.

Telehealth FAQ

How do I know if Telehealth is right for me?
Telehealth is suitable for anyone seeking convenient access to healthcare without the need for a physical visit. It’s ideal for consultations, follow-up appointments, mental health support, and managing chronic conditions. If you’re unsure, contact us to discuss whether your healthcare needs can be effectively met through Telehealth.
Are Telehealth appointments covered by insurance?
Many insurance providers now cover Telehealth appointments. However, coverage can vary, so we recommend checking with your insurance company prior to scheduling your appointment. Our staff can assist you with any required documentation for insurance purposes.
What types of appointments can be conducted via Telehealth?
A wide range of services are available through Telehealth, including initial consultations, regular follow-ups, medication management, mental health services, and nutritional counseling. Some conditions may require in-person visits for physical examinations or procedures, which we will advise on a case-by-case basis.
How can I ensure my privacy during a Telehealth appointment?
Your privacy is paramount. All Telehealth sessions are conducted over secure, encrypted platforms compliant with healthcare privacy laws. We recommend using a private space for your appointment to prevent unintended listening or interruptions. If using a public Wi-Fi network, consider a VPN for added security.
How do I prepare for my Telehealth appointment?
 Prepare by ensuring your device is charged and your internet connection is stable. Find a quiet, private space for your consultation. Have any relevant medical records or notes ready, along with a list of medications you’re currently taking. Test your device’s audio and video beforehand to avoid technical issues during your appointment.
What should I do if I experience technical difficulties during my appointment?
If you encounter technical issues, such as connection problems or audio/video glitches, inform your healthcare provider immediately. Often, simple troubleshooting can resolve these issues quickly. If problems persist, our team will assist in rescheduling your appointment or provide alternative communication options to ensure your healthcare needs are met.

Get in Touch

24/7 Service, same day appointment are available

25 Olsen Place, Broadmeadows, VIC 3047

Working Hours

  • Mon to Thursday: 9am to 5pm
  • Friday (Telehealth): 9am to 1pm
  • Saturday: 9am to 1pm
  • Sunday: Closed